{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["a",["href","https:\/\/\/"]],["a",["href","http:\/\/\/"]],["i"],["a",["href","http:\/\/\/"]],["sup"]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The process of designing a new has been about creating a\nsuperior experience for visitors. It\u2019s also been about clarifying AIA\u2019s\npurpose, as a member-first advocate for the positive impact architects have on\nour everyday lives. The new is the signature product of AIA\u2019s\nmulti-year \u201cdigital transformation,\u201d which builds on the momentum of an\nimproved digital \u201c"],[0,[0],1,"join and renew"],[0,[],0,"\u201d\nprocess that we launched in late-2015. The site, which is live and in a pilot\nphase through early summer, has been reengineered for members who will be able\nto browse custom content when they login, as well as for members of the public\nand the AEC industry who will be able to quickly find what they need, from the\nright AIA Contract Document to a local networking event to an architect to lead\ntheir next project"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"An organization\u2019s website is often a visitor\u2019s first impression\u2014and,\noften a lasting impression. That\u2019s one of the main drivers for the new\nBuilding on AIA\u2019s renewed focus on its brand (including a new logo and\ntypeface), "],[0,[1],1,""],[0,[],0," looks completely different\nfrom its predecessor\u2014designed to leave a first impression that will, indeed,\nlast."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Another driver of the new Statistics. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"All in all, fewer than 290 pages at the old accommodated 95% of\nour site traffic, which means that we had about 6,700 pages that were of little\ninterest to our members. That reality, coupled with poor navigation on the old\nsite, exacerbated the challenge that nearly every visitor had when they tried\nto search for something. Namely, they couldn\u2019t get what they needed from us. It\nmay seem like a simple thing, but an improved search function will deliver\naccurate results based on a sophisticated and robust tagging system and site\ntaxonomy."]]],[1,"blockquote",[[0,[],0,"Improved functionality and compelling content on the new creates a better experience for members than ever before."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Ask any architect and they will tell you that "],[0,[2],1,"form"],[0,[],0," and "],[0,[2],1,"function"],[0,[],0," are\ncritical concepts in design, so we made them the backbone of the new"],[0,[1],1,""],[0,[3],1,":"]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[],0,"A clear hierarchy defines the navigation"]],[[0,[],0,"A gridded layout offers a visual menu that allows you to quickly browse by topic area or simply zero-in on the story that seems interesting or useful "]],[[0,[],0,"Compelling photography draws the eye in"]],[[0,[],0,"\u0022Search\u0022 delivers the most relevant content to your query"]],[[0,[],0,"The new is just as suited\nfor the architect looking to quickly check her transcript as it is for the\narchitect wanting to catch up on the latest news."]],[[0,[],0,"Responsive design means that you can open the site on any device and it automatically creates an optimal experience for easy use "]]]],[1,"h3",[[0,[],0,"Form Follows Function "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"When the architect Claude Nicholas Ledoux imagined a house for barrel\nhoop maker, more than 200 years ago, he created a house that was shaped like a\nbarrel\u2014a house that spoke, quite literally, about its function and purpose. As\na site built specifically for our members, the new "],[0,[1],1,""],[0,[],0,"\nis shaped around the interests of AIA\u2019s 88,000 members and speaks, in its\ndesign and function, about the purpose of a 21"],[0,[4],1,"st"],[0,[],0," century member\norganization. All of the career and profession coverage or firm management\nintelligence you need is front and center\u2014along with special coverage of topics\nlike energy and resilience. It also includes all of the economic data that\ndrives business decisions and local events that keep you connected to the community."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"When you go to the site, take a look, browse around, and try it on your\nmobile device. Looking for the old\u2014what we\u2019re calling the \u201cclassic\u201d\nsite? It\u2019s still there for the time being if you desperately need to find\nsomething. But, we know that you\u2019ll help us make "],[0,[1],1,"the\nnew site"],[0,[],0," a success."]]]]}
Design-first and functional features optimize the member experience
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Besides being an optimal experience for members, the new is also an optimal experience for every device. It's just as great on a phone as it is on a desktop or tablet.
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The new smarter, better, and designed with you in mind.
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[{"updated-date":"2016-05-04T14:29:22+00:00","author-name":"Administrator","author-id":null,"action":"created"},{"updated-date":"2017-01-28T05:25:34+00:00","author-name":"Administrator","author-id":null},{"updated-date":"2017-01-28T05:25:34+00:00","author-name":"Administrator","author-id":null,"action":"published"},{"updated-date":"2018-01-24T14:17:28-05:00","author-name":"Brian McLaren","author-id":"9235bde3-7526-4d6d-ae44-a346f27f0c3d","action":null}]
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