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{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["strong"]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Category:"],[0,[],0," Excellence in Affordable Housing"]]]]}
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Ohringer Arts repositions a\nformer furniture department store as an arts incubator and housing for artists\nin one of the remaining structures from Braddock, Pennsylvania\u2019s industrial\nheyday. The project represents the culmination of a vision to bring arts to this\ntown just east of Pittsburgh while providing a unique opportunity for the\nartists to live where they practice. It provides not only affordable housing\nbut also a platform for artists to showcase their work and be inspired by their\ncreative community. In addition, this revitalized piece of Braddock\u2019s history\nhas become an attraction for citizens and visitors, continuing to advance the\ntown\u2019s rebirth."]]],[1,"blockquote",[[0,[],0,"\u0022This is a transformative project for the neighborhood and a\nspectacular demonstration of design and urban planning.\u0022 - Jury comment "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The original building opened\nin 1941 as the Ohringer Home Furniture Company. Designed in the International\nStyle, it featured eight stories of showroom space and a curved glass\nstorefront with a revolving display. Braddock fell victim to suburbanization\nalongside the collapse of the U.S. steel industry in the 1970s and the 1980s,\nleaving the building vacant for decades. In 2009, then-mayor John Fetterman\nbegan a campaign to engage youth and attract creative, artistic residents to Braddock.\nThis helped preserve the structure until 2017, when Fetterman attracted the new\nowner to develop the vacant building into affordable housing for the artists."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Throughout the design portion\nof the project, the team ensured solid communication through the Design Sketchbook\nprocess, assuring the project\u2019s goals would be reflected in the results. One\nfocal point of that effort is the six-story neon blade sign, a beacon at the\ncenter of Braddock\u2019s main street that creates an invitation to actively\nparticipate in the community\u2019s revitalization efforts."]]],[1,"blockquote",[[0,[],0,"\u0022The\ndesign team showed great respect for the building. It is a cheerful and witty\nproject.\u0022 - Jury comment"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u201cThis is a transformative project for the neighborhood and a\nspectacular demonstration of design and urban planning,\u201d said the jury. \u201cThe\ndesign team showed great respect for the building. It is a cheerful and witty\nproject.\u201d"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The project follows numerous efforts\nto reinhabit vacant buildings through tactical art-based interventions. In this\ncase, the building\u2019s forty-foot width prompted a unique design response\nconverting furniture showrooms into apartment units through a \u201cdouble-loaded\u201d\ncorridor design. New windows were negotiated through the historic tax credit\nprocess to add to the existing windows allowing a tremendous amount of light into\neach unit. Views from the building\u2019s upper floors and rooftop deck provide\nspectacular views for miles across the Monongahela River Valley."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The project\u2019s physical and\nsocial goals were met through a strong partnership\namong the developer, the design and construction teams, and the Braddock\ncommunity. The Ohringer building has taken a prominent place on Braddock\u2019s main\nstreet, anchoring a new and inclusive center to the community. "]]]]}
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\n \n \n\n Engineer - Structural: Keystone Structural Solutions\n "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Engineer - MEP: Iams Consulting, LLC\n "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Engineer - Civil: Common Ground\n "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"General Contractor: SOTA Construction\n "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"LIHTC Consultant: Diamond \u0026 Associates\n "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Historic Consultant: Heritage\n Consulting Group\n\n \n"]]]]}
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["strong"]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Etty Padmodipoetro"],[0,[],0,", "],[0,[0],1,"AIA, Chair,"],[0,[],0," Urban Idea Lab, Boston "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Kenneth Luker"],[0,[],0,", "],[0,[0],1,"AIA, "],[0,[],0,"Perkins Will, Durham, N.C."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Marica McKeel, AIA"],[0,[],0,", Studio MM Architect, New York "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Patricia Leigh Brown, "],[0,[],0,"New York Times, San Francisco "]]]]}
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{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[],"sections":[[1,"h2",[[0,[],0,"About the Housing Awards"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The Housing Awards emphasize good housing as a necessity of life, a sanctuary for the human spirit, and a valuable national resource. Recipients show the world how beauty, safety, sustainability, and comfort can come together."]]]]}
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Project Name
Ohringer Arts
Ohringer Arts repositions a former furniture department store as an arts incubator and housing for artists in one of the few remaining structures from Braddock, Pennsylvania’s industrial heyday. The project represents the culmination of a vision to bring arts to the town just east of Pittsburgh while providing a unique opportunity for artists to live where they practice. It provides not only affordable housing but also a platform for artists to show their work and be inspired by their creative community. In addition, this revitalized piece of Braddock’s history has become an attraction for citizens and visitors, spurring the town’s rebirth.
Primary Image Caption
The Ohringer, Braddock, Pennsylvania's iconic eight-story furniture store from 1941, has re-emerged as an Arts Incubator and affordable Artist Housing.
Showcase Image Captions
[{"image_id":"6483911","caption":"Resident-artist Cue Perry completes commissions in the Ohringer Art Studios."},{"image_id":"6483920","caption":"The apartment layouts prioritize natural light and views with a refined material palette that allows the artists\u2019 personalities to take center stage."},{"image_id":"6483921","caption":"The Gallery on Braddock Avenue is managed by resident artists and is offered as a free amenity."},{"image_id":"6483922","caption":"The Ohringer provides a flexible artist gallery where residents can sell and exhibit their work as well as host open mic and spoken word poetry events."}]
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Ohringer Arts repositions a former furniture department store as an arts incubator and housing for artists in one of the few remaining structures from Braddock, Pennsylvania’s industrial heyday. The project represents the culmination of a vision to bring arts to the town just east of Pittsburgh while providing a unique opportunity for artists to live where they practice. It provides not only affordable housing but also a platform for artists to show their work and be inspired by their creative community. In addition, this revitalized piece of Braddock’s history has become an attraction for citizens and visitors, spurring the town’s rebirth.
Temp Draft
[{"updated_date":"2022-03-10T19:19:24+00:00","author_name":"Muza Conforti","author_id":"7bfc81e9-adcc-4f0a-9edd-3d4a4f81c4c1","action":"created"},{"updated_date":"2022-03-10T20:01:30+00:00","author_name":"Muza Conforti","author_id":"7bfc81e9-adcc-4f0a-9edd-3d4a4f81c4c1","action":null},{"updated_date":"2022-03-10T20:01:31+00:00","author_name":"Muza Conforti","author_id":"7bfc81e9-adcc-4f0a-9edd-3d4a4f81c4c1","action":null},{"updated_date":"2022-03-10T20:01:53+00:00","author_name":"Muza Conforti","author_id":"7bfc81e9-adcc-4f0a-9edd-3d4a4f81c4c1","action":null},{"updated_date":"2022-03-10T20:26:05+00:00","author_name":"Muza Conforti","author_id":"7bfc81e9-adcc-4f0a-9edd-3d4a4f81c4c1","action":null},{"updated_date":"2022-03-22T14:42:35+00:00","author_name":"Evan Eile","author_id":"e44baba6-b597-42ae-8af7-44306a870398","action":null},{"updated_date":"2022-03-22T19:05:48+00:00","author_name":"Muza Conforti","author_id":"7bfc81e9-adcc-4f0a-9edd-3d4a4f81c4c1","action":null},{"updated_date":"2022-03-23T20:11:19+00:00","author_name":"Francesca Di Marco","author_id":"409a7eff-7985-44b0-9bb3-5ee71d67a6ae","action":null},{"updated_date":"2022-03-23T20:22:49+00:00","author_name":"Evan Eile","author_id":"e44baba6-b597-42ae-8af7-44306a870398","action":null},{"updated_date":"2022-03-24T13:10:58+00:00","author_name":"Evan Eile","author_id":"e44baba6-b597-42ae-8af7-44306a870398","action":"published"},{"updated_date":"2022-05-13T19:19:10+00:00","author_name":"Evan Eile","author_id":"e44baba6-b597-42ae-8af7-44306a870398","action":"draft created"},{"updated-date":"2022-05-13T19:19:33+00:00","author-name":"Evan Eile","author-id":"e44baba6-b597-42ae-8af7-44306a870398","action":"published"}]
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{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["strong"],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/","target","_new"]]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Architect:"],[0,[],0," \n\n \n \n\n"],[0,[1],1,"Rothschild Doyno\n Collaborative"],[0,[],0,"\n\n \n\n\n \n"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Owner:"],[0,[],0," \nOhringer Arts of Braddock, L.P.\n\n \n\n\n \n"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Location: "],[0,[],0,"Pittsburgh"]]]]}
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