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{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Mateo was born and raised on Guam and attended Honolulu Community College where he received an Associate degree in Architectural Engineering \u0026 CAD Technologies in 2008. Upon moving back on island, he earned the majority of his experience working at Taniguchi Ruth Makio Architects for nine years. He then worked for Pernix Guam for a few years to gain construction experience. More recently Mateo moved back into design, currently as a Project Designer for Amorient Engineering. "],[0,[],0,"Licensure was always the goal for Mateo. Although his intention was to return to school to attain higher education, he decided to pursue licensure through \u201cExperience \u0026 Examination\u201d, an alternative of Guam PEALS Law which requires a minimum of eight years experience for those without an NAAB accredited degree. This decision was made in consideration of his family; his wife and newborn son. Inspired and encouraged by colleagues who were also on their path to licensure, he began the process of logging his experience through NCARB\u2019s Architectural Experience Program (AXP), which he completed in April 2018. Mateo began testing in October of 2018. Despite the birth of his second son in 2019 and the pandemic in 2020, he persisted and made good use of his time to study as much as he could. He passed his last exam in April of 2021, and officially took oath to become a registered architect on May 27, 2021."]]]]}
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Congratulations to our AIA member Mateo Cruz Matanane, RA!
Guam's Newest Architect
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Guam's Newest Architect
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